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Fundraising Named One of Top 30 Careers in 2009

Fundraising is ranked among the best careers this year by U.S. News and World Report, receiving a grade of “A” in all categories including prestige and job market outlook.

The report, which was issued electronically in January and recently published in the magazine's print edition, also gave fundraising an “A” in job satisfaction and training difficulty.

Other jobs that made the top 30 include audiologist, firefighter, higher education administrator, mediator, urban regional planner and veterinarian.

In its secton about fundraising, the magazine writes:

Whether it's for a political party or the Little League, many people like the idea of being a fundraiser, except for one thing: "I could never ask for money." Fact is, only a small percentage of a development (fundraising) professional's time is spent on 'the ask.'

In fact, the task is often easy if you've built a relationship with the donor and made the donor's involvement in the organization pleasant. Most of a development professional's time is spent recruiting, training, and motivating volunteers, developing a database of donors, conducting research on wealthy prospects to maximize the size of their donations, friendraising, writing grant proposals, overseeing E-mail and phone campaigns, and/or running fundraising events, like a splashy gala. The best development professionals naturally inspire trust. They're intelligent but low key and comfortable being self-effacing: That makes donors feel as though they're a cut above. Low-pressure, polished sales managers do well as fundraisers and fundraising managers.


Anónimo disse…
I challenge Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie to spend the obscene reserves held by their 'Jolie-Pitt' Foundation on legitimate efficient 'humanitarian' work or turn the funds over to others who will. To date, they have taken in $22,000,000 on the sale of baby photos alone, another 6 or 7 figures from other sources, and spent or granted only a fraction of that on 'humanitarian' work or 'good will' of any kind. The rest so far, has been spent on PR campaigns, plane rides, and super-high end accomodations for Brad and Angie in exotic locations around the world. I challenge them to meet the criteria of a legitimate charity, operate with a reasonable overhead, open their books to prove it, and get their 'foundation' worthy of a decent rating by an independent watchdog like Charitywatch.org. Otherwise, to stop selling baby photos for their own 'charity' and stop seeking publicity for donations made in their own name to their own foundation/travel/PR firm shortly before or after the premier of their latest film or DVD release. I challenge Brad Pitt to do the same with his 'Make it right' Foundation. Which to date, has not met the criteria of a legitimate charity or been given a decent rating by ANY independent charity watchdog. Otherwise, to stop competing with 'Habitat for Humanity' for PR, credit, and funding. Who by the way have been building homes for the less fortunate in every major city including New Orleans for decades. 'Habitat for Humanity' has been 'Top Rated' for years by charitywatch.org and others. They operate with a low overhead, volunteer workforce, and donated materials. No similar effort can match their progress hour for hour or dollar for dollar. They don't even come close. Unlike 'Make it right', the homes built by 'Habitat' don't sit vacant. They don't exclude by cost, lower income families. They are allocated and built specifically for the less fortunate who take part in the building process and move in immediately upon completion. 'Habitat' works in every major city including New Orleans. It puts 'Make it right' to shame. In fact, hundreds of legitimate charities have been given good-excellent ratings by Charitywatch.org and other independent watchdog groups. By contrast, the vast, overwhelming majority of celebrity 'foundations' have been rated poorly, fair, or not rated at all. They are inefficient, corrupt, focus heavily on PR, and operate with shady, self-serving, misleading accounting practices. They usually don't even meet the criteria of a legitimate charity. Still, they have the nerve to self-audit, self-praise, mislead the donor/fan base, seek funding from a number of sources including ordinary people, compete with legitimate charities, and cash in on maximum PR for their inefficient 'humanitarian' efforts. Its not right.

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