Our generation does not want its epitaph to read,"We kept charity overhead low."
We want it to read that we changed the world,and that part of the way we did thatwas by changing the way we think about these things.So the next time you're looking at a charity,don't ask about the rate of their overhead.
Ask about the scale of their dreams,their Apple-, Google-, Amazon-scale dreams,how they measure their progress toward those dreams,and what resources they need to make them come trueregardless of what the overhead is.Who cares what the overhead is if these problems are actually getting solved?
If we can have that kind of generosity,a generosity of thought, then the non-profit sector can playa massive role in changing the world for all those citizensmost desperately in need of it to change.And if that can be our generation's enduring legacy,that we took responsibilityfor the thinking that had been handed down to us,that we revisited it, we revised it,and we reinvented the whole way humanity thinks about changing things,forever, for everyone,well, I thought I would let the kids sum up what that would be: That would be a real social innovation.