- The Importance of Being Urgent The secret ingredient that so many fundraisers omit.
- Make It Easy to Read Have your readers breezing happily through your copy.
- Long Messages Work Better It's true. And your boss is wrong.
- Grammar for Fundraisers The rules you should and shouldn't follow.
- Persuade with Story, Not Statistics One way motivates donors, the other demotivates them.
- Keep It Simple Complexity kills fundraising.
- Make It All About the Donor It's not about you!
- I Have Bad News and Good News Balanced fundraising that works and keeps working.
- Have a Clear Call to Action No matter how well you write and design, if you omit this, you're sunk.
- P.S. I Love You Guess what part of your letter people are most likely to read.
- Design for Older Eyes You're a tree falling in the forest with nobody to hear it if you don't design for bifocals-wearing readers.
- Don't Skimp on Emphasis It makes a difference.
- Make Images Work for You The right picture can boost results, but the wrong one can turn them away.
- Plain, Corny, and Obvious Three characteristics of successful fundraising design.
- Self-Centric Fundraising The deadliest mistake in fundraising.
- Three Things You Should Know About Donors Embrace these truths, and you'll always do better.
- Three Deadly Fundraising Myths Everyone else is getting it wrong because they believe these things.
- Proud to Be a Fundraiser What's really going on with donors is better news than you might have thought.
Independientemente de si eres nuevo o ya conoces bien la profesión de la captación de fondos, de si captas fondos a través de la web o del modo tradicional (o ambos), te presentamos a continuación una serie de conocimientos y técnicas básicas que te serán útiles en tu trabajo. Si logras dominarlas, aumentarás las posibilidades de captar más dinero y de disfrutar de tu trabajo. Mucha gente simplemente se lanza a esta profesión sin haber aprendido previamente cuáles son los fundamentos de esta industria. No se aprenden de la noche a la mañana y puede que alguno de los consejos siguientes sean más fáciles de llevar a cabo que otros. Puede que necesites recurrir a ayuda externa, consultar a expertos o asistir a clases para que llegues a dominar aquello que necesites saber. Si necesitas ayuda, no dudes en pedirla. Te facilitará el trabajo. A continuación te exponemos algunas reglas de oro: 1. Estudia los argumentos que pueden ser útiles a tu organización a la hora de conseguir apoyo y la me...
online fundraising for schools