Be sure your well-meaning act really helps charity and your tax bill
It sounds so simple: Donate your used vehicle or boat to charity, avoid the hassles associated with selling it, and score a tax deduction at the same time. Everybody wins, right?
Not necessarily. As the saying goes, the road to h-e-double-hockey-sticks is paved with good intentions, and it can be surprisingly easy to fumble this well-meaning act.
Before you hand one of your biggest assets over to anyone, read the following tips to be sure you’re making the right moves.
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It sounds so simple: Donate your used vehicle or boat to charity, avoid the hassles associated with selling it, and score a tax deduction at the same time. Everybody wins, right?
Not necessarily. As the saying goes, the road to h-e-double-hockey-sticks is paved with good intentions, and it can be surprisingly easy to fumble this well-meaning act.
Before you hand one of your biggest assets over to anyone, read the following tips to be sure you’re making the right moves.
Story continued