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A mostrar mensagens de janeiro, 2012

E Se Eu Não Tivesse Acesso aos Cuidados de Saúde

A Associação Médicos do Mundo ( MdM ) lançou uma campanha institucional de angariação de fundos – um dos pilares estratégicos da "Operação SOS" -, tendo como protagonista e embaixadora a apresentadora da RTP Sílvia Alberto. O lançamento da iniciativa, que se realizou no Restaurante do Terreiro do Paço, em Lisboa, contou com a presença de várias figuras públicas, entre elas Gentil Martins, Alexandre da Silva, Pedro Reis, José Moutinho, Carlos Fonseca Ferreira, David Luis (atleta de triatlo) e Carla Rocha, com participação de Soul Gospel Project com duas convidadas: Inês e Luísa Silva. A campanha, com o claim "E Se Eu Não Tivesse Acesso aos Cuidados de Saúde", tem como objetivo angariar fundos para a MdM, os quais podem ser feitos por transferência bancária (NIB: 0035 0551 0000 9108 9305 9), através da linha solidária (760 50 10 50 - 0,60 euros mais IVA), declaração de IRS (0,5 % do seu imposto pode ser destinado a solidariedade sem que tal represente quaisquer cus...

I have a dream too

Amanhã lembramos  Martin Luther King , a sua luta pacífica e o seu "sonho". Aproveito para partilhar um outro sonho, para quem trabalha (como eu) neste mundo do fundraising. " My dream is somewhat less elevated than Dr. King's. But here it is: - That nonprofits everywhere will start taking donors seriously. - That they'll start paying attention to what donors actually respond to, not what they wish donors would respond to. - That they'll do fundraising built on exciting calls to action, not irrelevant, cooked-up "brands." - That they'll actually let donors fund what they want to fund. - That they'll thank donors quickly, and show enough respect to report back to donors on the impact of their giving. Because when that happens, the fundraising recession will be decisively over.  A new era of nonprofit effectiveness will begin.  More donors will benefit from the impact of more giving. Unfortunately, my dream is not gonna com...

What do donors really want to do?

One of the most important principles of fundraising is this:  What people say about their charity has little to do with what they do. Once you believe that, you'll stop taking terrible advice. But don't just take my word for it.  Here's evidence from Nick Aldridge's blog:  Does actual giving behaviour match expressed giving preferences? This interesting study compares what some UK survey respondents said they'd give £1 to with what people actually gave £1 to on eBay, when asked to donate during the checkout process. "Help small UK charities stay open and help local people" did well in the survey but poorly in real giving. "Give a child in Kosovo a pair of shoes and warm gloves that they can wear to school" did poorly in the survey but pretty well in real giving. Conclusion? ... potential donors may turn out be more responsive to simple, emotive imagery than they claim or indeed believe. Conversely, donors may overestimate their interes...