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A mostrar mensagens de fevereiro, 2010

2º Seminário de Fundraising - Call to Action

17 Março 09h00 – 17h45 Reitoria da UNL VENHA E O RESTO FALARÁ POR SI! Qualquer organização não-lucrativa, ONG´s, IPSS, Associações, Universidades, Museus, Escolas, Centros Sociais, Paróquias, Fundações, vivem da angariação de fundos (fundraising) para concretizar os seus projectos. Por isso, a sua capacidade de angariação e gestão dos fundos é um factor essencial para a sustentabilidade das organizações. Numa época de crise e de maior escassez de recursos, inovar na forma e saber fazer melhor na utilização das ferramentas de angariação de fundos, é um factor crítico para o sucesso de cada organização. O fundraising deve sempre ser feito junto dos diferentes grupos-alvo possíveis de gerar doações: particulares (pequenos donativos e grandes donativos), empresas, ou junto de outras organizações. Para cada uma das opções existem vários instrumentos de angariação de fundos que têm sido um importante contributo para que muitas organizações e projectos ganhem maior eficiência e encon...

Six Qualities of a Good Nonprofit Marketing Story

Short. Only take as long to tell the story as you really need. If you are telling a story online, try for 500 words. If you are producing a video, no more than two minutes is ideal. Straightforward. Be clear and straightforward. Don’t try to do too much. Avoid going off on tangents, even if they seem interesting, because they will detract from the main reason you are telling the story. Personal. Your stories should be specific people, not general stand-ins for a larger population. Make it personal. But limit the number of people in the story, because it's easy to lose track of which details belong to which character. Authentic. We connect with stories that ring true. We don’t want to hear stories about perfect people. We hate those people. We want to hear about the people who are like us, human and imperfect, making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. We want to hear about real people, even if their names or other identifying characteristics are changed to protect...

What to Do with Your Facebook Fans

Many nonprofit Facebook Pages feel a lot like the nonprofit websites of old. We call it "brochureware" -- a lot of ho-hum descriptions of programs and services with some event promotion thrown in. Many nonprofits have caught on that those kind of websites don't work, and that you have to provide more inspiring and engaging content, including storytelling and great visuals like photos and video. Same goes for your Facebook Page -- but even more so! Facebook is social media, so be social ! Tell stories, share photos, and offer up great content that your Fans will naturally want to share with their friends. Here are a few tips I'll expand on during the webinar, based on the three G's of good social media marketing. Be Genuine. Even though your Page represents your organization, Facebook is all about person to person communication. You'll get more responses to your status updates on your Page if they sound like they were written by a real person. Avoid post...